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/ Money in the 90s / Money in the 90s - Windows (Laser Resources, Inc.)(1994).iso / pictures / 0291c155.shg (.png) < prev    next >
Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1993-12-31  |  216KB  |  616x845  |  8-bit (232 colors)
Labels: crt screen | daily | monitor | reckoner | sky | windowpane
OCR: THE MONEY RANKINGS: TAXABLE BOND FUNDS MONEY ENpensc atclral agalnjorloasto Jan 4maK .Thrio Fiva initini aules FUND NAME Typ Tear Teih yiele charg trojectier Fidelity Globpl Bond 25.5 36.8 $125.4 ton $87 Fidelity Gauerrimont S0ou Titics USG 52.0 453. Nona Felolity Migh neome HYC 870.2 Nona Fidellty moamc GNMA Partolio MB5 10.5 54.0 672.8 None Fldelity Mortgago Seouritias MB5 10. 52. 380.2 None 16 Fidelity Interm sdiato Bond STT 15.0 748 None 40 Fidelity: Short Term Bond Portfolio ST 216.8 Nere Fidelity Sparton Governmont 361.0 Nore 52, FidelltySparto Limited Maturity rGov ST 16.1 128.0 Nene Finanolal Bond Sharos -High Yiold HYC 40.0 None Finanelal Bond Sharos BoloctIncome HGC 46. 11. 36.0 Ncne Firsth astors Fund for] Incom HYC (17.2 10.2 73.. 130 First inuos slors Govoment MES 235.9 12F Fi ...